Terms and Conditions

Please review the following terms and conditions before using our service.

Interpretations and Definitions

Definitions and Understanding

Any terms that have been capitalized and mentioned at the start are established definitions under the required conditions. These terms will have the same meanings, whether they’re used in singular or plural form.


With regard to the following guidelines, terms, and conditions:

The term ‘affiliate’ is any entity that is controlled by, has control over, or shares common control with a specific party. In this case, ‘control’ means ownership of 50 percent or more of equity. It can also imply ownership of stocks or other securities, implying the right to vote for the appointment of managerial authority positions and directors.

The term ‘account’ is an individual account established for the user to access the Finance Profit Bot™️ platform or certain features of the software.

The term ‘nation’ refers to Singapore.

The Terms of Service will also be referred to as the ‘terms.’ They refer to the terms of service that include the entire agreement between you, the user, and the corporation, with regard to usage of the platform.

‘External Digital Media Solutions’ can be any content, such as utilities, products, information, or data, or services provided by an external entity, which is made accessible or presented through the Finance Profit Bot™️ platform.

The term ‘website’ means the Finance Profit Bot™️ platform, which is accessible through this address.

The term ‘you’ refers to the user or any individual using or interacting with the corporation, service, company, or legal entity as suitable.


There are specific agreements and requirements that dictate the usage of this Service. These stipulations also dictate the contract between you, the user, and the Company. These agreements and stipulations mention all the responsibilities and rights of users with regard to using this Service.

Your engagement with and utilization of the platform are subject to your adherence to, and agreement with, the following Terms and Conditions. These Terms apply to all users, visitors, and other parties who use the platform and interact with its features.

While using the Service, you must abide by the following Terms. Should you find any of these Terms unacceptable, please refrain from accessing the Service.

You acknowledge that you are at least 18 years of age. Finance Profit Bot™️ does not authorize usage of the platform by individuals under the age of 18.

Any engagement with the platform and utilization of its services is subject to your agreement with the Finance Profit Bot™️ Privacy Policy. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to define our measures and approaches with regard to gathering, applying, and sharing user data when you use the Finance Profit Bot™️ Website or Application.

User Registration

When registering for an account, please provide accurate data. Failing to do so violates the terms and can lead to immediate deactivation. As the user, you’re responsible for protecting your password.

You are required to not share your password with any third parties. In the event of any unauthorized access to Your account, please inform Us promptly. Users are prohibited from assuming someone else’s identity, or using any other name or trademark without proper permission.

Intellectual Property Protections

The Finance Profit Bot™️ Platform and its content, capabilities, and attributes are the sole property of Finance Profit Bot™️ and its licensors.

This Service is safeguarded via trademark, copyright, and other regulations that fall under domestic and international jurisdictions. Finance Profit Bot™️ ensures strict adherence to these regulations.

Links To Other Websites

Finance Profit Bot™️ Platform may have links to external services or websites that do not fall under the ownership of Finance Profit Bot™️.

Finance Profit Bot™️ does not accept accountability for the content, practices, or privacy policies of any external services or websites. By agreeing to the Terms, you acknowledge that Finance Profit Bot™️ will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by the usage of the content on external websites.


Finance Profit Bot™️ reserves the right to suspend or discontinue you’re your account without prior notice for any reason deemed fit, particularly if you are found to be in violation of the aforementioned Terms. Upon suspension, Your user privileges will be discontinued. To deactivate your account, You may stop your usage of this Service.

Limitation of Liability

In the event of any losses suffered by the user, the accountability of Finance Profit Bot™️ is limited to the sum paid by the user through the service, or $100.

In adherence with the current regulations, Finance Profit Bot™️ and its providers shall not be held accountable under any circumstances for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages. In some jurisdictions, omission of presumed guarantees is not permitted, so some of the aforementioned stipulations may not apply. In this case, the party’s liability is limited to the extent allowed by the regulations in the jurisdiction.

“AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” Disclaimer

Finance Profit Bot™️ platform is provided to You “AS IS,” inclusive of all defects and faults, and without any warranties. Finance Profit Bot™️, represents itself and its Affiliates to renounce all warranties, both implicit or expressed. This includes but isn’t limited to warranties of suitability, merchantability, etc. Finance Profit Bot™️ makes no guarantees that the Service will address your needs, attain desired results, operate without faults, or meet specific reliability standards.

Some countries don’t allow omitting specific warranty types, so some of the above restrictions may not apply to You. In this case, omissions will be implemented to the extent possible under relevant law.

Governing Law

The Terms of this Service are subject to the Nation’s regulations. Your usage of the Finance Profit Bot™️ Platform may also be governed by other national, regional, or international regulations.

Conflict Resolution

If You have any disagreements or queries with regard to the Service, you should attempt to address the disagreement informally.

Finance Profit Bot™️ Users from the EU

If You belong to the EU, your complaint is subject to compulsory provisions of where you live.

US Legal Compliance

By using this Service, you affirm that (i) you don’t currently reside in a country that is facing an embargo by the US government or is labeled as a ‘terror-supporting’ nation by the US government. And (ii) you are not on the list of the US government’s banned individuals

If any clause from these conditions is invalid or non-enforceable, the clause will be interpreted to express the aims of the clause in question.

In the event that a violation is disregarded, it doesn’t mean that subsequent violations will be disregarded.

The Terms may have been translated in different languages. You affirm that the original document, which is in English, takes precedence in the event of a discrepancy.

Changes or Alterations To These Terms

Finance Profit Bot™️ retains the authority to change these Terms and Conditions whenever necessary. In the event that a revision has a significant impact, Finance Profit Bot™️ will employ reasonable measures to provide a 30-day notice before any new Terms are implemented. What constitutes a major change is subject to Our discretion.

By continuing to use Our Service after such modifications have taken effect, You consent to adhere to the new conditions. If You disagree with the updated Terms, please refrain from using the Service.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions, contact us.